Sapro Agro

Product range

Product Description

SAPRO Agro is a biologically active soil conditioner obtained by using environmentally sound patented technology from natural ingredients. – Sapropelic colloid and active peat.

Sapropel contains a rich complex of natural vitamins, minerals and bacteria .SAPRO Agro is mainly not a fertilizer, but a biologically active basis for rapid restoration of soil fertility.

Benefits :

  • Creates soil humus.
  • Restores soil fertility and improves structure.
  • Peat creates a soil structure, improves its aeration, saturates with the Humic acids and increases moisture holding capacity of soil.
  • Increases cropping capacity by 40-60% and reduces yield ripening time.
  • Suppresses the growth of pathogenic nematodes.
  • Activates metabolic processes in soil and restoring its fertility.
  • Increases soil moisture content by 4-5 times
  • Improves fruit and vegetable taste and increases the amount of vitamins in it.

Recommendations :

Depleted soil, Saline soil, Eroded soils with damaged structure, Soils treated with chemical and mineral fertilizers for a long period of time,Sandy soils, Sandy clay soil with minimum content of Organic Matter, Soil contaminated with pathogenic nematodes.

Can be applied in greenhouses, for planting fruit trees, berry bushes, conifers, deciduous and ornamental plants, flowers, flowers, vegetables, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs etc.

Dosage :

Soil Application : 25-50 Lt/Acre  can be mixed with Farm yard manure /Sand for easy application

Supply :

Bulk Supply (10 Lt)

Sales, export managers:

m. +38 063 493 96 06 Viktor Chmil

E-mail address:

m. +38 093 137 92 11 Anna Agourzenidu

E-mail address:


+38 063 493 96 06  Viktor Chmil

E-mail address:

Purchase of sunflower seeds:

m. +38 063 368 59 87 Tetyana Radchenko

E-mail address:

Purchase of packaging components:

m. +38 093 137 92 11 Anna Agourzenidu

E-mail address:

Sale of meal:

m. +38 063 368 59 87 Tetyana Radchenko

E-mail address:

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VAT number: 40753019
Foundation: 2011